Actor, Writer, Professional Shower Singer


Prudence Vindin is an Australian Comedy Writer and Actor based in Los Angeles.

Prudence has been doing impersonations since pre-school. Her teacher, Linda, was mean to everyone so Prudence would mimic her every move when Linda turned her back to the class. All the kids thought it was super funny. Perhaps we should have changed Linda’s name? Whatever.

Prudence advanced from Primary School shenanigans to study Sketch Comedy, Writing and Improv at the prestigious Los Angeles institution, The Groundlings. 

She is a founding member of the female comedy trio Frothpocalypse whose online hits have garnered exceptional media acclaim.

A bold and prolific sketch comedy artist, Prudence has transformed into a British Rapper, an Eastern European Youtuber, a Millenial Fashion Blogger, and a Drunk Suburban Housewife among many others.

In 2015, she starred in the award-winning feature film Winning FormulaOne of her favorite roles to date was portraying the infamous Australian mining billionaire Gina Rinehart which required her to wear 22 pounds of prosthetics made by the Academy Award-winning Odd Studio.

Prudence enjoys dropping in on strangers’ book clubs, swimming slowly in the fast lane of public pools and spending time with her dog Molly.

Watch out for her on Season 3 of NBC’s Comedy ‘The Good Place‘.